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3 Ways To Avoid Common Pizza Eating Mistakes

For years, people have ordered pizza delivery to their homes, but often make some eating mistakes that could lead to an unpleasant eating experience. When you learn about some pizza life hacks, you can avoid some of the most common problems and truly enjoy your pizza.

Check out some of the more common pizza eating mistakes and ways to avoid them. The mistakes will save you from burns, stains, and a major loss in the quality of your pizza.

1. Cheese Slippage

When you receive a fresh pie from a pizza delivery service, you may find yourself diving right in to enjoy a slice. If you rush to pick up a slice, you do not want to worry about cheese slippage. The slippage occurs when the cheese slides off the crust and potentially falls to the ground.

Pizzas with heavy toppings are more prone to slippage. When you lift a slice of pizza from the box, the small tip will naturally droop down. To avoid this, take a spatula and grab two pieces at the same time. Even if you don't want to start with two pieces, the spatula can easily support the thinner ends and ensure the pizza stays in place.

Once on your plate, you can support the pizza with two hands and prevent any slipping.

2. Burnt Mouth

When you have a pizza delivered hot and fresh, you may find yourself biting a little too quickly. The grease and cheese on top can easily cause burns to the roof of your mouth. The pizza burn has become very common through the years, but there are some solutions besides just waiting a long time for the pizza to cool off.

First, fold a pizza slice in half so you do not expose all of the cheese directly to the roof of your mouth. Take smaller bites at first. Big bites will fill the mouth and you will have nowhere to put the pizza. After a few smaller bites, the pizza should cool enough to eat at your leisure.

3. Excess Grease

Toppings like pepperoni and cheese can create excess grease on the top of your pizza. As you eat, you want to avoid grease drops on your clothes. One of the easiest ways to remove excess grease is with a piece of pizza crust. Rip off a section of the crust. Turn the crust vertical and dab the end of the crust lightly into the grease.

The crust will soak up the grease and pull it directly off the pizza.

Share all of these tips with family and friends the next time you visit a pizzeria in your local area.