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Why An Electric Kettle Is A Great Addition To Your Restaurant Kitchen

Electric kettles are generally thought of as being for the home kitchen. However, some restaurant owners and managers are beginning to add electric kettles to their commercial kitchen setups. Should you do the same? Take a look at the following benefits of adding an electric kettle to your restaurant kitchen, and decide for yourself.

1. You won't have to take up stove space with a kettle

In a busy restaurant kitchen, burners are in high demand. Especially during the lunch and dinner rush, the chefs may be rushing to free up burners so they can cook everything they need to cook in a timely manner. The idea of adding a kettle to the stove, too, can be too much. With an electric kettle, your chefs do not need to waste valuable stove space just to heat up water. The kettle can be set off to the side, away from the stove, where it is out of the way and not in the general cooking space.

2. The kettle will heat up very quickly

Electric kettles are generally made to heat up very quickly. Many will bring water to a boil in less time it takes to boil water on the stove. When your chefs are rushing to get everything prepared, having the water boil faster can really help. Or, if your servers are responsible for boiling water that is used to serve tea and other beverages, they can get it out to the customers sooner.

3. The kettle can be moved, as needed

Rearranging a restaurant kitchen can be a bit of a nightmare. You have to figure out where everything fits. An electric kettle, though, can be moved anywhere. It's a small appliance, and all it really needs is a surface to sit on and an outlet nearby. You can even set it off in a closet or alcove for a short time if needed. 

4. You can keep hot water on hand, always

Many chefs like to have hot water on hand so they can add a splash to a dish that's browning too quickly or throw a little in to deglaze a pan. With an electric kettle, it's easier to keep hot water on hand. You can just push the button and heat it back up again every half hour or so. This is easier than always having to turn the stove on and off as you keep a pot of hot water handy.

Electric kettles are a great choice for most restaurant kitchens. They don't take up much space, and they simplify your routine. Check out local restaurant equipment suppliers to get an electric kettle.